When most people think about life insurance, what usually comes to mind is settling final expenses and providing financial support for your loved ones or death protection. That is what life insurance is commonly used for, but there are other benefits of life insurance other than for death protection:
The average American worker stays at a job only 4.2 years. Many had funded retirement accounts they’ve left with the employer’s plan custodian when they moved to a new job. Leaving retirement savings at multiple employers can create higher investment costs to keep the account in former employer plans or create an inconvenience to maintain and rebalance.
This drawback may lead investors to consider rolling over their retirement savings plans or other investments to another advisor to manage or to a new fund custodian. Many times your new advisor will assist you with the transfer paperwork, but what can you do before completing the Transfer Initiation Form (TIF) to understand the process and help ensure a ‘worry-free rollover’?
‘Tax planning’ is left to federally-authorized tax practitioners. They prepare tax returns and defend clients pursuing relief from federal agencies for their own tax payments. They also dispute tax payment errors. Financial advisors don’t provide tax advice. They provide information on the tax consequences of specific investments they sell or recommend to clients. This type of advice is within the scope of financial planning. Some financial advisors are CPAs (Certified Public Accountants) or have the CFP (Certified Financial Planner) designation and can prepare tax returns for their clients.
The financial advice industry has changed for advisors with a fiduciary financial planning emphasis in their practice. These advisors have chosen process over product for the benefit of their clients. Additionally, new regulations, technology-enabled efficiencies, and fee compressions will continue to influence the advice industry. They could ultimately lead to higher client satisfaction and asset growth through relationship management. No longer is relationship management considered merely customer service; it has evolved into a crucial element of each client’s experience.
In this article we look at the effect lowering interest rates can have on the economy and the markets. Interest rates can have a positive or a negative effect on the U.S. economy, the stock markets, and your investments. When The Fed changes the Federal Funds Rate (the rate at which banks can borrow money to lend to businesses or you), it creates a ripple effect.
The raising and lowering of the Fed Funds Rate is the role the Fed plays in stimulating the economy. In theory, the lowering of interest rates should help boost the U.S. economy by encouraging borrowing and spending. Therefore consumers and businesses are more willing to make big purchases. Whereas higher interest rates slow down borrowing and restrict the flow of money into the economy.